person Posted By: dr.ssa Serena Chiodo In: Health & Wellness Post Date:

Wellness products in autumn

The arrival of autumn leads to a series of changes: life seems to change, as well as the colors that surround us. The days are shorter and sometimes it may seem that there is not enough time to dedicate to ourselves.

It is good to arrive prepared for the arrival of autumn and take care of our body to better welcome the lower temperatures.

During the change of season it is important to have a healthy and correct diet to prepare our mind and body for the arrival of the colder months.

Prepare the skin

One of the fundamentally important things is taking care of your skin in the best possible way already in the summer, protecting it from the sun's rays and hydrating it constantly and continuously. A good sunscreen and a good after-sun product will keep the skin healthy and hydrated. The daily use of specific creams help to make the skin elastic and healthy.


Exfoliating your skin, eliminating the now dead dermis, is of fundamental importance because the skin is best prepared for the use of moisturizing and nourishing products. Having exfoliated skin helps ensure that the product penetrates deeply into the skin and is able to act correctly and functionally.

Moisturise the skin

Good hydration is of fundamental importance throughout the year, especially in view of the colder months, during which the skin undergoes severe stress due to the cold and is therefore more prone to dehydration. It is therefore necessary to take a correct amount of liquids and at the same time use creams and moisturizing products.

Lip balm

A mistake that is often made is to wait for winter to use lip balm. It is good to start from the summer months to use natural balms that make the lips hydrated and soft, especially in view of the arrival of autumn.

Preparing for the change of season may seem complicated, but a few small tricks are enough to face the arrival of autumn in the best possible way, using products to improve the well-being of our body.

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