person Posted By: dr.ssa Cosima Zaccaria In: Health & Wellness Post Date:

Water retention and swollen legs

Why does water retention create an annoying feeling of heaviness and swelling?

Why does water retention create an annoying feeling of heaviness and swelling?

The phenomenon of swollen legs becomes even more pronounced in the summer due to the dilation of blood vessels due to the heat and this only accentuates the other related symptoms, developing excessive physical fatigue and an unbearable feeling of heaviness.

These disorders occur frequently and affect many people, not only those more advanced in age, but also the younger ones, aged 30 and over, especially those of the female gender


  • overweight
  • bad nutrition
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • heart, liver, kidney failure
  • water retention
  • too many hours on his feet

To quickly solve the problem of swollen and heavy legs, it is important to start from the main causes and follow some useful precautions.


Losing weight is essential, but there are some really simple tricks that are often underestimated, when in fact they can make a difference.

  • reduce your salt intake. if too much salt is consumed, the body tends to retain liquids to maintain the osmotic balance of blood and lymphatic system and this will be especially noticeable in the legs and feet and also in the face and arms.
  • use of seasonal fruit and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants and other useful substances.
  • reduce consumption sugar consumption in terms of prevention of overweight and diabetes.

Useful advice

To promote normal blood circulation and strengthen the capillaries, you can take natural food supplements that bring relief to the lower limbs by exploiting the beneficial properties of some plants. the latter facilitate circulation and support the role of blood vessels.

Horse chestnut, blueberry, red vine, hamamelis ect... promote a correct function of the microcirculation, protect the walls of the vessels, strengthen the blood capillaries, moreover counteract the imperfections of cellulite.

An always valid rule is also to hydrate properly, trying to drink about 2 liters of water a day!!!

In addition to drinking it, the water is also valid for making cold water compresses on the legs: the cold is a vasoconstrictor and can give relief to heavy legs.

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