person Posted By: dr.ssa Cosima Zaccaria In: Pregnancy and Maternity Post Date:

Pregnancy and motherhood: how many changes!

Pregnancy is characterized by important psycho-physical changes for women.

Changes, however, limited to the duration of pregnancy and breastfeeding to observe a gradual return to normality in the following months.

Pregnancy plays a fundamental role, just think of the physical upheavals that women face in these months:

  • Weight gain
  • Swellings
  • Breast tenderness
  • Fatigue

These aspects can influence the psychological aspect of motherhood.

This could lead to mood swings and anxiety and experience a negative relationship with one's body.

Psychological support can be very useful to deal with any problems that may arise during this period and to have useful tools to manage the resumption of sex after giving birth which, if not experienced with serenity, can lead to a couple's crisis.

It is important to remember during pregnancy that you should not eat for two, eat twice better.

It's a good thing to keep moving.

The most recommended sports are: yoga, pilates, but also simple walking.

Physical activity is essential for some pathologies such as hypertension and gestational diabetes.

Breastfeeding is not difficult, but there is certainly a need for practical advice to reassure and help new mothers.

If you are lucky enough to breastfeed, you can do it for as long as you and your baby want.

Prolonged breastfeeding has no side effects.

Continuing breastfeeding for a long time is not unnatural.

The nutritional needs during the breastfeeding phase change compared to pregnancy.

Increases the need for Omega 3, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

It is recommended to drink 700ml more than the recommended 2l of daily water because this promotes milk production.

Those who are breastfeeding must try to avoid allergenic foods (peanuts, shellfish, chocolate, strawberries, spicy foods, chili pepper, pepper, nutmeg...).

Breastfeeding supplements are a valuable aid during this special moment in the life of a mother and her baby.

Supplements for hair loss are also important.

Clinical studies show that during breastfeeding 30-40% of women may have intense hair loss due to hormonal changes.

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