person Posted By: dr.ssa Serena Chiodo In: Hands & Feet Post Date:

Onychodystrophy: brittle nails

onychodystrophy occurs when the nails are flaky, thin and sensitive: let's find out the causes, characteristics and remedies together.

onychodystrophy occurs when the toenails have an altered structure, making them fragile and more prone to breaking.

Although it is not a serious pathology, it is very annoying to manage, as nails affected by onychodystrophy have a color between yellow and dull gray, lose elasticity and are very fragile.

It usually occurs as a result of an infection, excessive filing, the use of shoes that are too tight, but also a lack of iron and other micronutrients that support nail formation.

What is onychodystrophy?

By onychodystrophy we mean the alteration of the normal morphology of the nail which changes its structure making it more fragile than healthy ones.

This disorder occurs on the toenails, often on the big toe: if the nails have jagged edges and subcutaneous discolorations, it is probably a nail dystrophy.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are related to the progressive change in the morphology of the toenail.

Initially you will notice a change in the color of the nail, which will become white, gray or yellowish. Furthermore, the color will remain much more opaque and dull.

It is not a painful condition, but there may be skin thickening under the nail plate and deformation of the nail itself, which will tend to break more easily, causing discomfort.

What are the causes?

The most common cause is a trauma such as repeated contact with shoes while running or walking, or the improper use of pedicure tools.

There are other factors, defined as endogenous, due to the poor introduction of micronutrients in the diet that support nail formation.

Other times, however, this condition is caused by congenital alterations and mycosis.

How to prevent onychodystrophy?

First of all it is important to keep your nails well-groomed, not too long, using specific products that strengthen them.

To prevent infections caused by bacteria from occurring, it is advisable to always use only very clean tools.

It is essential to avoid walking barefoot in the gym or swimming pool and to use suitable shoes that do not compress your nails too much and that give your toes room to move slightly.

Care and Remedies

In general, it is good practice to keep the nails short, clean and dry, and to use shoes that are not too tight, in order to avoid the possible proliferation of bacteria and to cause micro-traumas to the fingers.

Following a balanced diet is very important to provide the nutrients necessary to rebalance the immune system and protect the body from any vitamin deficiencies.

On the market you can find products specific to strengthen nails, such as specific nail polishes or special plasters to protect dystrophic nails.

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