person Posted By: dr.ssa Serena Chiodo In: Period and Menopause Post Date:

Main causes of early periods

Period early, why does this happen? What are the causes and remedies of this phenomenon and what influence does it have on the search for a child? Let's clarify.

Cycle ahead, why it happens and remedies

The phenomenon of the period in advance (polymenorrhea) involves many women, and can create difficulties in conception.

Cycle ahead, what is it

The menstrual cycle has a physiological duration of 28 days: it is considered early if it lasts less than 25 days from the last menstrual period, and late if it exceeds 35 days. If the cycle comes forward or delays just a few months, the cause could be environmental (such as stress) or other pathologies may be present.

The consequence of an early period is a shorter ovulatory phase and a more frequent menstrual cycle (polymenorrhea). The menstrual cycle in advance is very frequent in premenopause due to hormonal variations.

Cycle ahead, the causes

One of the causes of an early menstrual cycle in women of childbearing age is stress and this is because the menstrual cycle and therefore hormones affect our mental well-being, but the opposite also happens. In fact, the psychological state has a big impact on the flows and rhythms of the cycle. In general, the causes can be:

  • Premenopause
  • Stress or external factors
  • Luteal insufficiency or lack of progesterone
  • Thyroid problems which can also cause menorrhagia or very abundant flows

Investigating the causes of the cycle that systematically anticipates can lead to the discovery of internal causes, disorders or pathologies that should never be underestimated. Other causes may include the presence of uterine fibroids .

Consequences of early cycle

One of the consequences of polymenorrhea may be anovulation, or the failure to ovulate. Among the symptoms of anovulation are:

  • Irregular menstruation
  • Very light menstrual cycle
  • Absence of menstruation
  • Monitoring ovulation is essential if you are looking for a baby.

Early period: diagnosis and remedies An early period may cause concern if it occurs regularly. If the phenomenon is sporadic it may be due to external causes such as stress, a significant change of time zone or a wrong diet. If the phenomenon occurs regularly and is associated with an abundant cycle, it is important to investigate in order to evaluate the presence of ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids. Looking for a pregnancy After excluding the presence of pathologies, you can look for a pregnancy with an irregular cycle first of all by observing its rhythms. Ovulation sticks are excellent allies for those with irregular cycles. and help to understand which are the days of fertility.

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