How to recognize allergic rhinitis

Frequent sneezing, stuffy and runny nose, red eyes: will it be a viral cold or allergic rhinitis? To understand this, it is necessary to carefully observe the symptoms and their characteristics.
Allergic rhinitis, as you can recognize
Stuffed nose, frequent sneezing and red eyes: what will it be? cold or allergic rhinitis?
To answer this question, you need to look at the symptoms and their characteristics.
First you have to look at the duration of the symptoms and when they appear. If they occur several times during the year, if they are seasonal, if they recur in particular conditions (dusty environments, with animals ...), and if ocular itching or conjunctivitis appears, it is likely that it is allergic rhinitis.
Allergic rhinitis often occurs seasonally and in correspondence with the presence of pollen or in conjunction with exposure to a specific stimulus. Dust allergy patients have perennial symptoms that worsen in conditions of high humidity or seasonal changes. There is no fever, unlike the cold which has an acute onset and lasts about a week.
Diagnosis is based on tests that measure the presence in the serum of specific antibodies to certain allergens (RAST) and / or on skin tests (prick test) with the allergen responsible for the symptoms.
The main symptoms of allergic rhinitis are: frequent sneezing, abundant nasal discharge, stuffy nose, nasal itching, congestion, itchy eyes and conjunctivitis, headache, difficulty sleeping.
Can allergic rhinitis be prevented?
Avoiding contact with allergens and observing frequent cleaning of domestic and work environments, paying attention to objects such as armchairs, sofas, carpets, pillows, beds and linens, air conditioners, can help at least reduce symptoms.
It can also be useful to maintain optimal humidity, avoiding environments that are too dry or too humid.
How is allergic rhinitis treated?
Allergic rhinitis can be treated with bronchodilator drugs and corticosteroids, nebulized through sprays or taken orally.
Antihistamines are very useful, they block the production of histamine and relieve symptoms, in particular itching, sneezing or watery eyes, but they are not very effective against nasal congestion.
Decongestants sprays can be a great help in clearing a blocked nose.
Finally, specific immunotherapy can be used to help reduce the number and intensity of acute episodes.