person Posted By: dr.ssa Cosima Zaccaria In: Supplements & Wellness Post Date:

Heat discomfort, tiredness and fatigue

Exposure to the sun, to high temperatures is very dangerous and can cause a worrying heat stroke.

For this reason, great caution must be exercised in the summer, especially if you practice physical activity during the day or stay out for a long time during the hottest hours. It is important to recognize the first symptoms of any heat disorders, in order to prevent much worse consequences.

Who is affected? What are the symptoms?

The increase in body temperature is the fundamental characteristic of excessive exposure to the sun.

Among the various associated symptoms we mention:

  • skin redness
  • feeling weak and confused
  • nausea or vomiting
  • headache
  • loss of consciousness, in the most serious cases.

The subjects most at risk are certainly children and the elderly.

How should we intervene?

Heatstroke is dangerous for anyone. you can intervene at the moment in different ways:

  • move the person to a cooler area out of direct sunlight;
  • remove any sweaty clothing;
  • apply cool, wet towels to face, neck, chest, and limbs;
  • apply, if possible, ice on the armpits, wrists and groin;
  • Offer cool water or sports drinks every 15 minutes if the person is conscious.

Which heat supplement should I take?

  • Supplements based on magnesium and potassium mineral salts (polase, MGK vis, carnidyn fast, carnidyn plus, sustenium plus)
  • pure magnesium, mag2, mag 400
  • multivitamins (supradyn, multicentrum, vitalmix energia).
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