How to combat intimate disorders: vaginal burning and itching

What are the most common intimate disorders???
Among the most common intimate disorders we certainly find pain linked to premenstrual syndrome, cystitis, itching, period pain, intimate burning and menopause.
Practical measures to avoid the risk of infections and vaginal disorders:
- Nutrition is an important factor. Drinking lots of water promotes the elimination of waste and toxins. Furthermore, it is important to introduce fruit, vegetables, proteins and mineral salts into your daily diet.
- Intimate hygiene is important. Always being careful to wash yourself after having a bowel movement and after every sexual intercourse is important. Always use non-aggressive detergents that respect the physiological pH and do not alter the bacterial flora.
- Use personal towels.
In case of infection, avoid self-prescription. Do not use drugs taken by a friend, as the causes could be completely different.
When faced with a simple, fleeting and sporadic irritation and not a real infection, it is possible to use natural and over-the-counter medicines.
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