person Posted By: dr.ssa Serena Chiodo In: Tanning Post Date:

How to protect children's skin from sunburn

Direct exposure to sunlight, to be avoided in the first two years of life, must take place gradually and always applying a protective cream.

Summer is very close and for many it is already time to go to the beach. However, excessive exposure to the sun can cause damage to the skin, especially to the little ones.

The skin has a memory and sunburns caught during childhood and adolescence can have consequences on the skin even years later. For this reason, implementing preventive actions is essential. In addition to the risks associated with heat, the sun can represent a danger for burns and rashes, which can damage the skin causing precancerous alterations, the onset of wrinkles and other signs of skin aging.

What to do after a sunburn

In the event of sunburn, it is first of all important to avoid exposing the child to the sun again in the following days. To treat sunburn, soothing after-sun creams suitable for your delicate skin should be applied several times a day. In the case of more severe burns, anti-inflammatory (cortisone) and antibiotic creams can be applied. If the burn is accompanied by fever, it is advisable to consult a doctor."

Be careful with the sun before the age of two

Before the age of two direct exposure to the sun should be avoided since children's skin is very delicate and less protected. The sun could damage the skin structure very easily and the cells could suffer damage that would become more evident over time. Furthermore, exposure to the sun could increase the number of moles on the skin.

After the age of two, children can be exposed to the sun gradually in the early morning and late afternoon hours, applying a protective cream. The cream must be applied several times and it is in any case recommended to make the children wear a hat and a t-shirt. Children's skin must be protected by using a product suitable for them and it is not recommended to use sun products for adults. The product must be easy to apply so as not to irritate the skin and cause discomfort for children.

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