person Posted By: dr.ssa Serena Chiodo In: Supplements & Wellness Post Date:

How to combat tiredness due to heat and sultriness

Hot and sultriness reduce the energy available to the body. During the summer, when you want to go out because you feel 100% fit, you may feel tired and exhausted due to the high temperatures.

How to overcome tiredness due to the summer heat

The summer that brings with it sun, heat and the much desired holidays. However the high temperatures and stuffiness can cause tiredness, exhaustion and drowsiness.

Because you feel tired in summer

When it's very hot, the body must keep its internal temperature constant (36-37 degrees) to ensure that the physiological mechanisms essential for life can take place in an optimal way.

Thanks to a process called thermoregulation, our body is able to maintain a constant temperature. Indeed, it is enough for the blood temperature to increase by 1°C to activate the heat receptors.

To operate this thermoregulation, the blood vessels dilate (vasodilatation) favoring greater dispersion of internal heat. This results in a lower blood pressure which causes tiredness and heaviness in the lower limbs. Often in summer swelling of the lower limbs may appear because with the heat increasing, the circulatory system works with greater difficulty.

Sweating is one of the mechanisms of thermoregulation. If not promptly replenished, water loss can lead to a condition of dehydration with consequent muscle tiredness and exhaustion, difficulty concentrating and a reduction in blood pressure.

How to fight tiredness and recover energy

  • To keep active and reactive, it is important to guarantee the body the right amount of water and mineral salts, drinking a lot and eating foods rich in water such as fruit and vegetables.
  • Avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day, wear light-colored and loose-fitting clothes, made of cotton, linen or natural fibers.
  • Prefer nourishing foods that are light, fresh, rich in liquids, mineral salts and vitamins, such as fruit and vegetables. It is advisable to limit the consumption of coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  • Specific potassium, magnesium and vitamin supplements can help to deal with dehydration and tiredness. The integration of vitamins and mineral salts allows to reduce tiredness and fatigue, preserving the activity and integrity of nerve cells.
  • For the well-being of the legs it is advisable to avoid sitting or standing still for many hours in hot environments. Furthermore, to prevent swelling of the lower limbs, a cream based on mint, centella and aloe can be applied, which gives a sense of freshness and well-being. Raising the lower limbs frequently and sleeping with the legs higher than the head will help reduce swelling, as it promotes venous return.

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