person Posted By: dr.ssa Serena Chiodo In: Personal hygiene Post Date:

How to combat annoying intimate itching

At least once in their lives, all women have had to fight an annoying intimate itch associated with burning and unpleasant whitish discharge. Often it is vaginal candida, one of the most common fungal infections in women.

At least 75% of women of childbearing age are affected by Candida Albicans, a fungus that "lives" in the vaginal ecosystem without creating problems, but following an alteration of the vaginal bacterial flora or environment, is capable of developing infection.

Often the infection manifests itself with whitish discharge accompanied by itching and burning, sometimes so unbearable as to make even sexual intercourse unbearable.

Candida feeds on simple carbohydrates and when they are lacking, it begins to produce toxins which, acting on the central nervous system, induce the subject to eat something sweet.

Possible causes

Often the infection is linked to a lowered immune defenses, incorrect diet,  hormonal changes, the habit of wearing synthetic underwear or simply using unsuitable intimate detergents.

Possible remedies

The most common treatment is based on the use of antifungals in ovules, vaginal creams or douches. Among the most effective natural remedies there is Tea Tree Oil, an essential oil from Australia, which can be used both orally and locally, in the form of vaginal douches. Another very good product to fight the infection is Gyno-Canesten.

Prevention is better than cure!

If you are often affected by this infection, vaginal capsules enriched in probiotics and prebiotics can be used, to increase the natural defenses of the vaginal bacterial flora and thus counteract recurring mycotic infections, or oral capsules of lactic ferments to improve intestinal and vaginal flora.

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